Encoder - Incremental 2REX-H-SA


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Christian Willmann
+49 (0)7665 - 93465-17


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  • 2REX-H-SA
Characteristics:   EX-Proof / Stainless Steel Encoder with hollow shaft... more
Product information "Encoder - Incremental 2REX-H-SA"
  • EX-Proof / Stainless Steel Encoder with hollow shaft
  • Encoder: Ø 68mm
  • Hollow Shaft: Ø 10mm - Ø 16mm
  • Resolution up to 10.000 ppr
  • Delivered with cable or removable end cap option for on-site installation
  • ATEX, IECEx, UKEX, EAC Ex certified
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Technical data "Encoder - Incremental 2REX-H-SA"


Electrical Specifications

Code Incremental
Resolution 1 to 10.000 ppr
(pulses per revolution)
Supply Voltage 4.5 Vdc min. to 30 Vdc max. **
(45 mA max. - no load)
Output Voltage Low: 500 mV max. at 10 mA
High (Vin - 0.6) at -10 mA
       (Vin - 1.3) at -25 mA
Output Current 30 mA max. load  **
per output channel
Frequency Response 300 kHz max.  **
Output Format Two channel (A,B) quadrature with Index (Z) and optional complementary (A-, B-, Z-) outputs
Phase Sense A leads B clockwise (CW) from the mounting end of the encoder
Index Gated with Channels A and B high
Accuracy +/- 0.8 arc-min
Outputs ASIC Push-pull and Differential
OL7272 Differential Line Driver (M and MP options)
26C31 Differential Line Driver 5 V output (with 5 V input)
Electrical Protection Output short circuit protected
Reverse polarity protected
Noise Immunity EN61000-6-2:2005 (industrial environments) Electromagentic compability (EMC)
EN61000-6-3:2007 (residential, commercial, and light-industrial environments) for Electrmagentic compability (EMC)


Mechanical Specifications

Material Housing: Stainless Steel AISI 316 (SA)
Cap: Stainless Steel AISI 316 (SA)
Shaft: Stainless Steel AISI 316 (SA)
Weight Encoder: Approx. 1.325 gr (47.44 oz)
Cable: 50 gr / meter (1.76 oz / meter)
Bearing Life > 1.9 x 1010 revolutions at rated load
Shaft Speed 3.000 rpm continues (max.) IP67 T4
Starting Torque < 0.1 Nm (14.16 oz-in) at 25°C IP67
Mass Moment of Inertia 50 gcm2 (7.08 x 10-4 oz-in-sec2)
Shaft Loads Axial: 50 N (11.25 lbs) max.
Radial: 100 N (22.5 lbs) max. 


Environmental Specifications

Operating Temperature -40° to +70°C
Storage Temperature -40° to +85°C
Shock 100 G / 11 ms
Vibration 10-2.000 Hz /10 G
Bump 10 G / 16 ms (1.000 x 3 axis)
Humidity 98% RH without condensation
Enclosure Rating IP64 / Nema 4 (approx.) - option
IP65 / Nema 4 (approx.) - option
IP66 / Nema 6 (approx.)
IP67 / Nema 6 (approx.) - option


Connection Options

Cable MUD resistant (NEK 606) & halogen free, shielded
4x2x0,14 mm2, 26 AWG, 4 twisted pairs;
See Datasheet Table 2
Cable Glands -
Terminal Block
(removable end cap)
See Datasheet Table 3



ATEX Certificate No.: ITS 09 ATEX 16847X
II 2 G Ex db IIC T5 II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T100°C Db -40°C < Tamb < +70°C
IECEx Certifcate No.: IECEx ITS 10.0014X
Ex db IIC T5 Gb Ex tb IIIC T100°C Db -40°C < Tamb < +70°C
UKEX Certifcate No.: ITS21UKEX0407X
II 2 G Ex db IIC T5 Gb, II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T100°C Db -40°C<Tamb<+70°C
North America -
EAC Ex НАНИО «ЦСВЭ» No. ЕАЭС RU C-DK.AA87.B.00266/19
1Ex db IIC T5 Gb X, Ex tb IIIC T100°C Db X, -40°C < Tamb > +70°C


** = It is recommended user, not to combine max. values for all 3 paramteres


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